Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like These....

There are days like today...sunny, breezy, fun, peaceful...creative days where your inspiration just flows.. The creative energy that pours from within you us such a match to your life dreams and intentions... and you can just feel it.  

I say YAY for days like these!

I remember as a kid laying smack dab in the middle of my yard -- at that time the slab of lawn that I laid on felt HUGE.  I'd just watch the clouds float by, and look for pictures in them. I could do this for hours...

 I would connect to who it is I was...(of course I wasn't even trying!)  I think that's what we are all trying to get back to. That perfect innocent child - the love that we are.

Law of Attraction is always at work....and when you are in this state of being, this kind of alignment, you are a match to your most divine desires.

So - today -- intend for creative flow. Intend for ideas, and opportunities, and synchronicity.  Look for the messages in the clouds, and know you can create days just like these.

Lori Hamann,
law of attraction coach - lorihamann.com

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Art of Creating Your Life ~ An Exercise

At any given moment in time you can ask yourself - simply - where am I am? Notice... and be the observer. Is it peace or stress? Is it frustration or ease? Is it appreciation or depreciation?

Granted there are number of "factors" that your might believe contribute to your overall state of being - but the truth is, you are still in the captains seat, no matter what those perceived factors are.

You could say, well - I could change my mind, change my thoughts, and change my life Lori, but I need to deal with my crabby wife, or my out of control kids, or my bank account that is much less than I want it to be. And those things effect me. It's hard to find peace there.
I have no control over how I feel.

Is this true? If you want it to be. If your partner is crabby, does that mean you have to be? Silly question right? But you would be surprised at the number of people that "know it" but have a hard time practicing it.

Key word here is... PRACTICE. We practice piano, we practice playing a sport, we practice meditation - but do we practice choosing out own state of being?

Pretend for a moment that today you woke up - and decided to feel drained, upset and out of control about your bank account. (By the way you could choose this if you had a dollar in it, or a million)
What if... you went to your computer and wrote something like this...just for the fun of it, just to pretend, just to see what might happen.

"Today I am basking in the sunlight - although not directly - my spirit is soaking it up. I can feel myself literally "lifting", shifting, into a place of light and oneness with the present moment. Life is feeling good.  As I fine tune my resonance through my attention to my thoughts are feelings...I am literally creating a new state of being. I AM thoroughly enjoying the process right now...and basking in the fact that there are infinite possibilities, life is fluid.... note to self.... LIFE IS FLUID!"

I'm not even asking you to be truthful. I'm asking your to pretend, play, step into a new field of awareness. In just reading this - how do you feel?

Shifting can be done easily - all it takes is willingness, practice, and commitment.

Lori Hamann,  http://lorihamann.com

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Top 10 Ways To Honor Yourself!

Well... a bunch of synchronicity just happened around THIS very article, so I thought someone out there was needing to read it. :)

Long delightful story...but I wrote this back in 2000, and almost 10 years later...it's alive!

Top 10 Ways To Honor Yourself

1. Trust your intuition.

A biggie. Trusting yourself implicitly...your hunches, gut feelings, your higher power...is one of the best ways to honor yourself. Think of a time that you totally trusted your intuition. Nothing more honoring.

2. Live the Truth. Speak the Truth. Be the Truth.

Aren't things just a lot easier that way? It's about living your truth vs. someone else's. It's about telling the truth to yourself even if it pinches a little. It's about seeing how great being in truth really is and how you can move forward - with truth.

3. Give yourself permission...

Permission to heal, forgive, ask for what you need, say no, see the good in you, be self-ful, and love you totally. Where would you like to give yourself permission in your life?

4. Create space.

Where could you use a little space these days? Your office? Need some quiet time? Space in your heart for you... Create space so the good stuff can flow into your life a bit easier. Give yourself space to grow...this is so honoring.

5. Choose to have people in your life who honor YOU.

If you are in relationships that suck the life right out of you, you may want to consider why you would choose to dishonor yourself by sticking around. During this transition consider protecting yourself with some awesome boundaries and a little white light.

6. Be who you are. Really.

Realize how tired you feel of not being you.

7. Wherever you are at in life...be there FULLY.

Passionately live your life like a one year old...Even if all you can muster up is a nap, then nap fully, passionately and love it.

8. Choose to be at choice.

It's liberating. Try it. Think about the percent of your day, week, or year, that you don't feel at choice in your life. Intellectually we know we are at choice...but we don't feel like it much of the time. Make the shift and choose to be at choice all the time.

9. Choose to evolve consciously.

It seems like when we are growing our gardens in the spring they seem to be healthier and fuller with a little conscious gardening. Same with our lives.... We will evolve naturally, of course, but why not evolve with a little TLC in our personal garden of evolution?

10. Know the best way to honor yourself.

How can you honor yourself in a way that honors who you are and what you need? Add more to this list. Do what works for you!

Lori Hamann, http://lorihamann.com